Young people call for urgent climate action at COP29 conference
Students from across Holy Family Catholic Multi Academy Trust (HFCMAT) gathered for the trust’s first-ever COP29 conference.
Across the trust’s seven schools, 18 children came together and spoke passionately about sustainability issues close to their hearts. The students were keen to spread the important message that we are all ‘stewards of creation’, as seen in the words of Pope Francis in his letter Laudato Si.
Sean said: “It was fantastic to see so many young people speak passionately about climate change in an open forum and advocate for positive change.
“We have worked alongside Holy Family Catholic Multi Academy Trust for several years on a number of projects that have helped students gain a deeper understanding of environmental issues and how they can use their own voice and platform to champion change.”
Emily Reid, creativity and sustainability lead at HFCMAT spoke about the event’s success. She said: “We are so proud of our students at HFCMAT. Youth voices are the seeds of a sustainable future.
“When young people speak up, they inspire action and change for generations to come. Today they brought hope and as a trust, we will continue to provide a platform for them to have their voices heard.”