
What to do if you don’t get the results you want

With A-level, AS level and T-level results day falling next Thursday (17 August), and GCSE and BTEC results day happening a week later, it’s likely students are feeling nervous if they are receiving results. Distance learning provider Oxbridge has some handy tips for dealing with these nerves. 

Since students have already finished their exams, it is important they use this break for downtime. There is little to gain from worrying about the results. It is also a good idea for students to have an action plan on the days following results day. 

It is crucial for students to recognise the hard work and effort they have put into their studies over the course of the academic year, regardless of grades. But if the results are not what were expected, students should not panic. Setbacks are a normal part of the journey. The good news is that there are more options than ever.  

If grades have fallen short of the expectations, whether for higher education or a career path, students should speak with them directly. It’s not uncommon for higher education staff and employers to be more flexible, especially in these unprecedented times. If university is a student’s chosen path, the clearing process can also be helpful; as universities look to fill empty spaces, the entry requirements have been lowered. 

Secondly, if a student’s grades will not carry them to the next step, there are other options to look at. A-level retakes are an obvious choice and the path that most will choose. A change of establishment might suit one student’s learning style more than staying in the same place.

Students may also want to consider a vocational route with a qualification that provides direct access to work or higher education. They may find that these qualifications will get them to the same place, probably in a similar amount of time, but in a different style (often without exams). 

It is very tempting to procrastinate but the modern world is competitive, and every edge you can gain sets you further ahead, so be sure to have a plan. 

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