
The big freeze!

There was a real ‘buzz’ around Bishop David Sheppard CE Primary School from both children and staff alike when they arrived in school to see an unusual cube-shaped parcel in the hall.
The discovery of a video message from the Mayor of Fort Chipewyan in Canada explaining that the cube contained something relating to Iceman, deepened the mystery.
Instead of the cube arriving at the House of Lords in London, it seems that it had accidentally been sent to the school! Ice Man’s aim is to banish summer as he wants everywhere to be surrounded by ice!
Throughout the week, children discovered evidence of Ice Man having been around school, with ice cubes and ice clues scattered around. Ms Sutton even found footage of Ice Man on the CCTV cameras!
The pupils were amazed when they discovered a tent on the school field! Clues suggested that the tent belonged to Magnus Magnusson, a scientist who has spent years tracking the whereabouts of Ice Man. He had left a note explaining that his aim is to prevent climatic chaos.
Mrs Tarjomi, community events
co-ordinator, said: “Children and staff were delighted when Magnus came to visit us! They had to wake him up from his tent as he had a busy night  trying to catch Ice Man.
“Magnus spent time answering children’s questions throughout the day. We were all delighted when Magnus realised that he had finally discovered how to melt Ice Man!
“Thanks to the children’s hard work and dedication to learning, their energy succeeded in melting him.
The week has enabled the children to learn so much without realising that they were doing so.
“Learning opportunities have included: letter writing, poetry, instructions for trapping Ice Man, diary entries, newspaper reports, survival guides, temperature comparisons, map work, data handling, 3D shape analysis, measuring, ice experiments, photography and artwork. The list is endless!
“It was wonderful to hear so much excitement around school, with children showing a clear enjoyment for learning”.

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