
‘Teacher training needs to be affordable and free to everyone’ – NASBTT launches Manifesto for Change

The National Association of School-Based Teacher Trainers (NASBTT) has today outlined five proposals which aim to attract more people to the teaching profession, and support school-based initial teacher training (ITT) providers to deliver high-quality training.

The Future of Initial Teacher Training: How can we attract more people to the teaching profession and support school-based ITT providers to deliver high-quality training?, which was officially launched at the Festival of Education, is positioned as a ‘Manifesto for Change’ and has been developed by drawing on consultation with NASBTT’s school-based members on what is missing from current ITT recruitment policy.

“Training should be paid for as long as teachers remain in state education. If they choose to leave to go into the private sector or somewhere else, the cost of training should be repayable.

“However, in the discussion on increasing trainee numbers, we must not ignore the fundamental issue of funding for ITT and what providers need going forward.

“Income for ITT providers has not risen above the cap of £9,250 for many years (or in line with inflation) whilst salaries and the cost of goods and services have increased dramatically in that timescale.

“We cannot continue to be asked to deliver more with ever less resource. A hard and realistic scrutiny needs to be undertaken to ascertain what funds are really needed to continue to deliver high-quality ITT.”

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