Stockbridge Primary holds graduation ceremony
With their caps and gowns on and their diplomas in hand, the pupils celebrated their graduation.
But these graduates were not leaving university, but rather celebrating the end of Key Stage 1 at Stockbridge Village Primary School in Knowsley.
In front of proud parents, carers and grandparents, the Year 2 class were presented with a diploma and a special year badge as a memento of the day.
Headteacher Jill Albertina, said the event gives parents and children a sense of the aspiration within the school and the world of opportunity education can present.
She said: “Graduation is a really important celebration for us as it marks a milestone of achievement in the life of our children. We celebrate this at three key points – at the end of Early Years, at the end of Key Stage 1 and then the grand finale at the end of Key Stage 2.
“It is important to us that the achievements are recognised at each of these stages in a child’s life, that they are individually celebrated as successful learners and community members and that their self-esteem is high as they move to the next stage in their education.
“Our school motto is ‘special, valuable people…successful, visionary and proud’ and our graduation day reinforces and celebrates that.”
Each service is followed by a class party for the younger children and a prom and family evening for the Year 6 children and their guests.
- The children are led in by the teaching staff
- The boys and girls looked fantastic in their gowns and mortar boards
- This way! The children make their way in
- Walking in for the leavers’ service
- Reception leavers’ service
- Reception leavers’ service
- Reception leavers’ service
- Reception leavers’ service
- Reception leavers’ service
- Reception leavers’ service
- Reception leavers’ service
- Reception leavers’ service
- Reception leavers’ service
- Reception leavers’ service
- Reception leavers’ service
- Reception leavers’ service
- Reception leavers’ service
- Reception leavers’ service
- Reception leavers’ service
- Reception leavers’ service
- Reception leavers’ service
- Reception leavers’ service
- Reception leavers’ service
- Reception leavers’ service
- Reception leavers’ service
- Reception leavers’ service
- Reception leavers’ service
- Reception leavers’ service
- Reception leavers’ service
- Reception leavers’ service
- Reception leavers’ service
- It was great fun for the children
- Reception kids celebrate!
- Year 2 leavers’ service
- Year 2 leavers’ service
- Year 2 leavers’ service
- Year 2 leavers’ service
- Year 2 leavers’ service
- Year 2 leavers’ service
- Year 2 leavers’ service
- Year 2 leavers’ service
- Year 2 leavers’ service
- Year 2 leavers’ service
- Year 2 leavers’ service
- Year 2 leavers’ service
- Year 2 leavers’ service
- Year 2 leavers’ service
- Year 2 leavers’ service
- Year 2 leavers’ service
- Year 2 leavers’ service
- Year 2 leavers’ service
- Year 2 leavers’ service
- All smiles
- Year 2 leavers’ service
- Year 2 leavers’ service
- Year 2 leavers’ service
- Year 2 leavers’ service
- Year 2 leavers’ service
- Year 2 leavers’ service
- Year 2 leavers’ service
- Year 2 leavers’ service
- Year 2 leavers’ service
- The traditional ending to a leavers’ service
- Watch out for a flying mortar board!
- Headteacher Miss Albertina led the service
- Family time once the service had ended
- A proud family moment
- Year 2 leavers’ service
- Year 2 leavers’ service
- It was a special day for Year 2
- Year 2 are all cheers
- Reception class
- Reception pose proudly with the teaching staff
- The stage was decorated for the leavers’ event