
Staff wellbeing is a must at Maricourt

This half term, Maricourt Catholic High School in Magull has been focusing on the wellbeing of its staff. 

Maricourt started the academic year with introducing the eight trained staff mental health first-aiders and two staff mental health ambassadors. 

Rachel Burke and Kerry Sloan completed their two days training in the summer and have brought their passion and ideas back to school. 

Some staff attended a menopause talk with counsellors from Positive Harmony. This session gave support and advice to women experiencing symptoms of menopause. 

It also provided them strategies and comfort. Staff from Maricourt’s feeder primary schools also attended. 

Maricourt Catholic High School, said: “I wanted to do something outside the box. 

“There are a lot of women in education experiencing the challenges of menopause and just getting on with it.

“I feel it is important that women feel empowered and free to talk about their experiences and gain the support network they need to pull through.” 

Maricourt also held a staff wellbeing day on 2 December. Their parish deacon, Keith, from St George Roman Catholic Church, reminded staff of their service and that God’s work is never done.  

He said staff are preparing young people each day to be part of that bigger picture. 

Staff also attended trauma-based training with Jackie Lunt from the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAHMS) team in Alder Hey Children’s Hospital. 

Jackie talked staff through the stress response system and how this can be controlled among staff and young people. 

Staff could then choose to partake in a planned activity, like yoga or playing football. 

Eddie Varey, acting headteacher of Maricourt, said: “…We want staff to cherish their time together as we prepare for Christmas and build our energy together, so we can best prepare our young people”. 

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