
St Cuthbert’s GCSE students ready for a bright future

Students from St Cuthbert’s Catholic High School, in St Helens, have been celebrating another great set of GCSE results this year. 

The school’s Cafe’s Conservatory was filled with smiling faces as students received the results that would take them onto the next stage of their lives, from starting colleges or apprenticeships, to moving into employment or undertaking further professional training.

A total of 52% of students achieved five grades 4-9/ C- A* including maths and English.  

The results are testimony to the hard work of St Cuthbert’s students and staff – and underline the school’s determination to help every young person achieve the highest possible standards. Many will now progress on to their career choices, or on to further education. 

Caitlin F, Daniel M, Jess M between them achieved 24 grade 9’s and now move on to Cronton and Carmel College to study A-levels in a range of subjects including maths, sciences, media and law.

Daniel said: “I’ve loved my time at St Cuthbert’s. I know if I ever needed support, the doors would always be open for me to come and ask for guidance and help. I’ll always remember the support they gave to me whilst I was a student there.”

Headteacher Mrs Catherine Twist said: “Every one of these results, whatever the grade has not been ‘awarded by teachers’, but earned by the hard work and determination of our students and staff.

“The last 18 months have not been the easiest but when we continued to ask exceptional things of our young people, their families and our St Cuthbert community, time and time again they responded with maturity and determination and I am extremely proud of what we have achieved together.’

“Everyone here at St Cuthbert’s would like to wish the Class of 2021 the very best of luck. The St Cuthbert’s community cannot wait to see where their next steps will take them and the bright futures they all have ahead of themselves.”

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