School Improvement Liverpool – Focus on the countdown to statutory status
School Improvement Liverpool (SIL) welcomed over 100 education professionals from across the region to its PSHE Conference.
The day had a particular focus on relationships and sex education (RSE), and health education as they become statutory within the curriculum
in September 2020.
They were joined by Jono Baggaley, the CEO of the PSHE Association, Lucy Emmerson, director of the Sex Education Forum and mountaineer, Simon Yates (of ‘Touching the Void’ fame) who delivered informative and thought provoking key notes.
Delegates had the opportunity to explore the impact of the most up-to-date guidance and legislation and took away practical ideas to use in their classroom.
School Improvement Liverpool’s (SIL) PSHE specialist, Julie McCann, who is also a member of the PSHE Association Advisory Council, has developed successful training and support in all areas of PSHE education.
Julie said: “We were especially pleased that a fifth of delegates were from neighbouring authorities, showing that their reach is steadily growing.
Well done to everyone involved”.
PSHE Conference 2020 update
SIL has announced that this year’s PSHE Conference is to take place
on Friday 13 November.
- Lucy Emmerson, director of the Sex Education Forum
- Julie McCann, School Improvement Liverpool’s (SIL) PSHE specialist
- Jono Baggaley, the CEO of the PSHE Association