Sainsbury’s School Games receives £25,000 boost
This year’s Merseyside Sainsbury’s School Games Festival is set to build on the huge success of previous years, thanks to £25,000 of National Lottery funding.
The local organising committee for Merseyside has been awarded the funding from Sport England to deliver the school games festival this year.
It will be the culmination of year-round competitions within schools and between schools, with the most talented athletes progressing to compete across more than 30 sports including athletics, wheelchair basketball, hockey, volleyball and badminton.
Sport England’s strategic lead – youth, Suzanne Glavin, said: “The Sainsbury’s School Games Festivals play a critical role in inspiring a generation of youngsters to play sport by providing them with opportunities to take part in competitive school sport.
“It also introduces talented athletes to high level competition, and with the help of the sport governing bodies, they are supported and signposted to further opportunities to compete and develop their talent.
“We are delighted to award this funding to Merseyside and would like to thank them for the work they do in making these events happen.”
The Merseyside School Games Level 3 Winter Festival will take place week beginning 17 March 2014 and Summer Festival 4 July 2014.