
Rainford High commemorates National Day of Reflection

On the National Day of Reflection, Rainford High has joined Marie Curie’s campaign and filled its windows with flowers as a way of marking the anniversary of the first lockdown. 

Students were tasked with producing eye-catching flower pictures in order to create a display in the windows at the front of school to commemorate National Day of Reflection.  

Staff and students hope that the vivid display gives thoughts of positivity and happiness for the future. 

Many of the school’s students and staff have been directly affected by the pandemic, and some of the flowers included heartfelt messages to loved ones lost to COVID-19, and to those who have helped during this difficult time. 

The school will also observe a minute’s silence and reflect on what has happened over the past year.  

Principal Ian Young said: “We would like to thank all of those in our school community and our wider local community for the help and support through this year of COVID. 

“With the end almost in sight, we will spend today reflecting on the past 12 months and thinking of those who have sadly lost their lives.” 

Rainford High is an 11-18 school with just over 1600 students who achieve good exam results at both the end of Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5.

The school has a strong ethos of ‘Everyone Matters, Everyone Helps and Everyone Succeeds’ which the staff and pupils continually work to make this the day-to-day focus of the school.  

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