
Pupils celebrate inclusive outdoor play

Pupils from a school in Knowsley for children and young people with complex needs have celebrated the official opening of their new outdoor play area.

The play area at Bluebell Park School in Kirkby has swings, roundabouts and a climbing frame that all pupils can use regardless of their mobility issues.

The school opened in September 2012, bringing together the children and young people from Springfield and The Elms Special Schools.

The school has fantastic facilities including a hydrotherapy pool, a number of sensory areas, a sports hall, performance hall and soft play area as well as specialist teaching areas for design and food technology.

The only element missing from the new school was a fully inclusive outdoor play area.

The school commissioned Sutcliffe Play to design and build the facility. Phase one is now complete and a special event has been held to thank all those involved in making the project such a success.

John Parkes, Head Teacher at Bluebell Park School, said: “Staff and children have been involved in the project from day one, working closely with the design and manufacturing company at each stage of the process, and the results are absolutely fantastic.

“The play area is so popular with pupils that we’ve already had to set a timetable to ensure everyone gets any opportunity to play and have fun together!

“We’ve been supported by some very generous people and wanted to show our thanks and appreciation by inviting everyone involved to a special opening event.”

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