
Pope Francis Catholic Multi Academy Trust welcomes four new primary schools

On Monday (16 September), staff and pupils from four Catholic primary schools in Sefton joined colleagues from the Pope Francis Catholic Multi Academy Trust to celebrate their recent conversions to academy status.

The conversions of the four schools took place on September 1. These schools are: St Mary’s Catholic Primary School in Little Crosby, St Edmund’s and St Thomas’ Catholic Primary School in Waterloo, Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School in Southport, and Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Primary School in Netherton.

During the short celebration, pupils wrote some hopes and dreams for the future on to special cards made with wildflower seeds. With the sun shining down, the pupils then planted their cards in a special place within the school grounds. Chaplain of Pope Francis Catholic Multi Academy Trust (CMAT), Dennis Jones, led the pupils and staff in prayer, and Andrew Dawson, trust CEO, offered some welcoming words.

Andrew said: “We feel very privileged that all four schools have put their trust in us and joined the Pope Francis CMAT family. We are greatly encouraged with the level of collaborative work that that has already take place to enable all to flourish within our common Catholic mission and ethos.”

The theme of growth and flourishing will be continued at a Year 6 retreat for all four schools to take part in on October 14.

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