Northwood Primary School celebrates opening
A safe harbour for pupils
Northwood Primary School in Kirkby celebrated the opening of their new multi-sensory classroom thanks to the rugby sports charity, Wooden Spoon.
Stan Bagshaw, regional chairman for Wooden Spoon Merseyside said: “Northwood Community School needed funding to renovate an old classroom in order to create a modern sensory facility. We visited the school and identified the benefits this would provide to the school children. We were delighted to support the project and attended the unveiling of the new sensory room to see the difference the equipment would make.”
Headteacher, Jason Hollywood said: “The opening of our multi-sensory room by Jamie Carragher was a proud moment for us all. A special thanks must go to Wooden Spoon for making this happen for the children of Northwood. It was great to celebrate with parents, children, governors, staff and special guests. Multi sensory environments improve the development of thought, intelligence and social skills. They offer children with challenging conditions the opportunity to enjoy and control a variety of sensory experiences. This room will enhance our provision no end”.
- Pupils try out the facilities
- A momento of the day for staff
- Jamie Carragher with headteacher Jason Hollywood
- Stan Bagshaw, regional chairman, Wooden Spoon Merseyside Joe Mellor, vice captain of Widnes Vikings, former Liverpool footballer Jamie Carragher and Jason Hollywood, headteacher
- Jamie Carragher performs the opening ceremony with a little help from a friend
- There was plenty to do including karaoke
- A sneaky peek before the official opening