New early years programme a ‘fantastic opportunity’ for educators
A new Early Years programme by Liverpool Hope University and School Improvement Liverpool Ltd (SIL) has been hailed as a ‘fantastic opportunity’ for Early Years leaders to develop leadership skills and expertise.
The Liverpool Early Years Chartered Leader Programme was piloted between September-February 2016 with 10 participants, and a second cohort of 22 participants have just completed the course.
The course is aimed at leaders, for example managers and deputies in Early Years provision such as nurseries.
At a special event, early childhood professionals were invited to find out more about the programme while current participants talked about their experience of the course, their development and what measures they have introduced into their early year settings since completing the course.
The course is funded by SIL (a Local Authority traded company) and delivered by Liverpool Hope University. A further two cohorts will undertake the programme in 2016-17.
Early childhood specialist Dr Babs Anderson and the CPD team from Liverpool Hope University are working in partnership with the Liverpool LA School Improvement team (Early Years Strategies) to deliver the course.
Dr Anderson says: “The original impetus for the programme was the commitment by Liverpool Local Authority to enhance the quality of leadership within Early Years settings. This was combined with expertise from the Early Childhood Department at Liverpool Hope University to develop an innovative and creative programme, designed to support reflective leadership within the participants’ professional leadership positions.”
Lisa Dorrity, senior school improvement officer at School Improvement Liverpool Ltd says: “The pilot of the Liverpool Early Years Chartered Leader Programme was a huge success. Participants were able to network, share expertise and further their understanding of the role of leadership and management in early years settings.”
Course participant Stephanie Beesley, nursery manager at Bright Horizons Broadgreen adds: “The leadership programme has been a fantastic opportunity for me to reflect on my current leadership style and its effectiveness. I have been empowered to further embed my values, quality standards and expectations.
“I have mostly enjoyed networking with other managers and sharing best practice within the group. As a nursery we have improved clarity of our shared goals, aspirations and success indicators are already visual.”