Jack and the Beanstalk
Two Liverpool schools, West Derby School and Holly Lodge Girls’ College performed their rock and roll version of the famous tale of Jack and the Beanstalk. The retitled, ‘Jack and No Beanstalk’ took a modern slant on the old pantomime favourite. This joint school collaboration offered the audience all the codes and conventions of standard pantomime, but with double the laughs. It was witty, engaging and superbly played by the inclusive collection of actors and musicians from both schools,
who provided a great night’s entertainment for friends and family.
- ‘All I want for Christmas is you!’
- The king and Silly Billy at the giant’s castle. Will the ‘Lactose free’ milkshake work?
- Jack’s new job at the ‘car wash’ ends in disaster. Will Dame ever pay her rent?
- ‘Welcome to Westderbydale’s Got Talent
- Poor Daisy the cow has to be sold at market. Let’s hope she’s able to mooooove on.
- Dame Trot is dotty about being ‘All by herself ’
- ‘Girls just wanna have fun’ but the giant keeps on spoiling it!
- ‘Let me entertain you’ The audience were certainly entertained as all were up on their feet.