
Ian Parry to lead Meols Cop High School

A school for visionary thinkers, ambitious innovators and pioneers is what’s promised by newly appointed headteacher at Meols Cop High School, Mr Ian Parry.

Ian Parry is joining Meols Cop to lead the team following his time as principal at Liverpool Life Sciences UTC, the best performing UTC in the UK. The UTC has recently been listed as one of the top 10 most innovative schools in the country and he brings a wealth of experience around working with local businesses to create direct pathways into quality jobs, apprenticeships and universities.

He is an exceptional teaching and learning practitioner, with a reputation for hosting a range of inspiring teachmeets, Tedx Youth talks and Ignite events. Ian is also well known across the UK for his passion for behaviour management that mirrors the real world. He has created an ethos of ‘Every Day is an Interview’ which helps young people to understand and demonstrate the values and attributes employers need and work in a positive way. He is passionate about helping to motivate and inspire young people to succeed.

Ian is returning to work in his hometown of Southport to lead the team at this outstanding school. He says, “I have grown up in Southport and it is where I choose to raise my three children. I am extremely ambitious for the Meols Cop community, its students, parents and staff and passionate about creating new opportunities in and out of school that will benefit us all. I am so proud to have been appointed headteacher at Meols Cop and am looking forward to working with the extremely talented team.”

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