Holly Lodge artist exhibits in London
Holly Lodge Girls College were delighted when Year 13 Charlotte Johnson’s artwork called ‘Vanity (Vanitas) had been chosen to be displayed at the 2014 National Students’ Art Exhibition.
Charlotte’s work was on display at the Mall Galleries on The Mall in London.
Her work comprises of six small paintings of oranges in varied states of decay, which Charlotte used as a metaphor for the human aging process.
Charlotte combined acrylic paint with puff paints, which created a 3D textured surface to emphasize the mould growing on the pieces of fruit.
The paintings form part of her final project, on the BTEC Level 3 course, which was originally commissioned by local writer Cath Bore. Charlotte produced the work in response to a short story that Cath had written called ‘Oranges are the only Fruit’.
Charlotte and her family were thrilled with the news and attended the opening of the exhibition. A number of exhibiting students will then be chosen to become Royal British Society of Artists (RBA) Scholars and invited to show work at the Annual RBA Exhibition in March 2015.