
Funding support for Edge Hill University to improve maths for disadvantaged pupils

The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) has awarded £386,400 to Edge Hill University to develop and assess its highly successful mathematics intervention programme ‘1stClass@Number 1’. 

The extra funding means the university can now extend 1stClass@Number 1 to a further 235 schools and over 800 children, who have been identified as falling behind with their mathematics learning. 

The intervention targets Year 2 children whose attainment level is 12 months below age related expectations with an additional emphasis on those receiving free school meals, giving them support to catch up with their peers. 

The programme delivery will form part of an effectiveness trial run in partnership with the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER). The overall project will be part of a wider DfE funded programme called the ‘Accelerator Fund’. 

The fund aims to increase access to evidence-informed programmes, including by subsidising the cost for schools. It is targeted to address the disadvantage gap with schools in Education Investment Areas being prioritised for access. 

Project manager for Every Child Counts, Yvonne Panteli, said: “The Government has increased financial investment in the Accelerator Fund to ensure schools have access to a high quality intervention like 1stClass@Number 1.  

“The team here at Edge Hill hope we can support as many children as possible who have fallen behind in mathematics to get back on track. 

“To make sure the Accelerator Fund programme has maximum impact we are looking to recruit a further 235 schools to take part in training for 1stClass@Number 1. It’s heavily subsidised by the EEF to give as many schools as possible the chance to take part.” 

The intervention is provided by Every Child Counts (ECC) which is run on a not-for-profit basis by Edge Hill and was set up with support from the Department for Education.  

ECC’s suite of interventions provide training, resources and professional development for schools and teachers and can enable children to make up to 14 months of progress in just 10 weeks. 

1stClass@Number 1 is considered to be a promising project by the EEF so they have commissioned this randomised controlled trial with an external evaluator to investigate its effectiveness while the school staff are trained and lessons are delivered to pupils. 

Yvonne added: “As part of the Accelerator Fund, the NFER will evaluate its effectiveness. 

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