Exploring the global dimension
This year students at St Julie’s Catholic High School in Woolton have been celebrating 200 years of the legacy of St Julie Billiart, the foundress of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur.
One of the celebration projects has been to send a mini figure of St Julie out to Notre Dame schools across the globe, inviting students to send back some photos to help demonstrate the scale and heritage of the Notre Dame worldwide community.
The project has been warmly received around the world, with postcards from ‘Flat Julie’s’ tour coming back from across Europe, the USA and Japan.
Headteacher, Tim Alderman, said: “This simple concept has been embraced by our global community and is giving a powerful visual tool to help our students understand their part in a rich and diverse Notre Dame heritage, spanning nations and centuries.
“We are excited about moving forward with the new and strengthened relationships that the project has forged.” You can follow the adventures of Flat Julie at the school website: www.stjulies.org.uk/flatjulie