
Educational exhibition showcases Wirral’s Viking history

On Friday, 5 July, Woodchurch Road Academy in Wirral proudly hosted its ‘Walking in the Footsteps of Strangers’ exhibition at the Williamson Art Gallery.

The event was a celebration of the school’s new expeditionary learning (EL) approach and featured a diverse array of student-led projects. This exhibition, the culmination of months of dedicated work by Year 4 and Year 5 pupils, highlighted the historical and contemporary movement of people to Wirral.

The gallery buzzed with excitement as visitors explored the exhibition, which presented an insightful human timeline of settlers in Wirral, from ancient times through to modern-day inhabitants. Information leaflets, prepared by the students, provided detailed accounts of Viking Wirral, while interactive displays explained migration, incorporating activities on push and pull factors. Visitors engaged in board games and sorting games that enhanced their understanding of migration dynamics.

Cath Varey, a dedicated teacher at Woodchurch Road Academy, expressed her admiration: “This evening has been truly inspiring. Seeing the children showcase their work with such pride and excitement is incredibly moving. Their depth of knowledge and the way they articulate their learning is phenomenal.”

A reflective space allowed attendees to consider the emotional experiences of refugees, inspired by the children’s readings from ‘The Boy at the Back of the Class’ and reflections from the extensive literature studied around refugees and migration.

Identity maps and global footprints created by the students displayed their research into personal and family histories, connecting local heritage with broader global narratives. Additionally, students presented first-person diary extracts of Vikings settling in Wirral and debunked myths through a series of fake news reports, challenging the stereotypical image of Vikings as purely vicious invaders.

A ‘poet-tree’ invited visitors to read and contribute poems about the concept of home, celebrating the idea of walking in the footsteps of strangers. This interactive installation became a symbol of the community’s shared history and collective memories. Information leaflets about modern Wirral, including reasons to visit the area, complemented the historical exploration with a contemporary perspective.

The exhibition also featured artistic representations, including ‘The Arrival’ and Viking symbols, crafted by the students. In the story tents, children captivated audiences with readings, and the evening concluded with a stirring performance of ‘The Wirral Song’, written by the late Don Woods and performed by his son, Steve Woods.

Distinguished guests included representatives from the Oxton Society, the Conservation Society, and the Local History Society. These organisations expressed their enthusiasm for collaborating with Woodchurch Road Academy on future projects, recognising the school’s innovative and visionary approach to expedition-style learning.

This transformation, driven by a shared vision and the unwavering dedication of the staff, has positioned Woodchurch Road Academy as a beacon of innovative education. The school’s success story has become a model for others, exemplifying how a clear understanding of educational goals and a collaborative spirit can lead to exceptional outcomes.

As the school continues its journey, the ethos of ‘learning without limits’ will guide future initiatives.

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