
‘Edible classrooms’ and why School Food Matters thinks all children should experience them

Over the last 15 years, non-profit organisation School Food Matters has run food education projects with over 211,000 children in hundreds of schools. These projects have offered children the chance to get outside, grow, cook and even sell their own fruit and vegetables.

School Food Matters think access to nature is a right for every child and a great way to nurture wellbeing and learning at school. Nature has many benefits and the organisation sees the impact it has in schools every day.

The organisation also offers a ‘Welcome’ programme, which provides gardening sessions in schools for refugee children and their parents. It offers an outdoor experience for families, even when language might be a barrier.

Teachers find access to a garden provides multiple opportunities to improve the learning experiences of all ages and abilities in the school, whether it is nature and habitat on the science curriculum, enjoying the achievement of children harvesting their own carrots, or allowing quiet time-out to just sit and read amongst the plants.

To find a food education project that might benefit your school visit School Food Matters website.

Two primary schools will be receiving School Food Matters’ Chelsea garden after the show is over. Discover more here

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