Community celebration
Pupils in Y5 at Westvale Primary, Kirkby led a successful, first Westvale Community Day recently. This was in partnership with the Junior Achievement Award (JAA) team and a celebration of the hard work completed with the team during spring term. The pupils had participated in a sport and then completed a focus on their local community covering lots of activities including looking at positive clubs to attend out of school. They produced a leaflet of these clubs with the JAA team to give out on the day as part of their community badge. Pupils also learnt about rules, British values and anti-social behaviour too through drama activities. The day started with an assembly presentation led by Year 5 and included a visit from the fire brigade from Kirkby Fire Station and the local community police for all the children. A successful enterprising marketplace of stalls, with products all the pupils in school had made. Monies raised will go to Knowsley Foodbank.