
Childwall Can Do

Childwall CE Primary School have been working on an exciting new project in collaboration with the Leonard Cheshire Disability’s Can Do project and Childwall Abbey School.

Can Do is a volunteering programme for young disabled people, offering support, information and training through bespoke programmes.

The school has been working with Can Do to offer community volunteering opportunities to the older pupils of Childwall Abbey whilst they complete a City & Guilds certificate, visiting Childwall CE Primary School each Wednesday.

The project took place in three stages, stage one was for the children of Childwall Abbey to build ‘Nurture and Grow’ planters for their allotment area on the field to grow vegetables.

Stage two has been the production of three large art pieces being created and installed in the allotment area.

Stage three was a ‘hands tree’ where the children of Childwall Abbey painted the hands of all of the children from Childwall CE and placed the impresions on a ‘tree’ to be displayed in school.

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