
Advent Hope at Alsop High School

Students at Alsop High School have recorded an act of collective worship for schools to use in classroom-based assemblies during Advent.

“Advent HOPE – Let your LIGHT shine” hopefully will help young people prepare to celebrate Christmas during extra-ordinary times.

The recorded assembly began at Alsop High School using the well-known Chinese proverb, “It is better to light a candle than complain about the darkness.” The students carried the “Liverpool Candle of HOPE” to Walton Parish Church where they participated in a short act of worship around the ancient Saxon cross and Norman font.

27421 Alsop tour leaflet V1Students from Year 7 and Rev Fiona Pennie, Interim Priest at St Mary’s led the worship in the church. Light was a constant theme of the assembly and the “Liverpool Candle of HOPE” was used to illustrate the message. The special candle, was presented to a group of Italian teachers on their visit to Alsop during the summer of 2017. The candle has toured schools around Italy and young people were encouraged to share stories of hope and learn about social justice.

Mr Peter Bull, head of religious education said: “As a school we are keen to share messages of hope during a time when many families are struggling. The short act of collective worship will hopefully enable young people to pause and think about how we can prepare for Christmas through simple acts of kindness.”

Rev Fiona Pennie, Interim Priest of St Mary’s said: “It gave me great pleasure to welcome such a lovely group of young people to St Mary’s. They are great ambassadors for both Alsop High School and our community. I was delighted that they used the words of Mahatma Gandhi ‘Be the change you want to see.’”

The film will be available later this month, for use in Alsop, and shared with other Liverpool schools. The recent Remembrance Day video filmed by the Alsop High School was viewed over 2700 times and shown in schools across the UK.

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