Acting on crime
Students from Liverpool schools produced dramatic interpretations of crime and anti-social behaviour issues at an event held at St John Bosco Arts College. Act together is an initiative by Citysafe, Liverpool’s community safety partnership and Merseyside Police, and was first introduced in 2008. The event encourages young people to discover more about the impact of crime and anti-social behaviour on themselves and their communities through drama.
Each school was given a specific theme which was then used to develop a drama production. The themes covered a range of issues, from drugs and alcohol, to e-safety, hate crime and leaving primary school. The finale for this year’s Act Together included performances from St John Bosco Arts College, North Liverpool Academy, Enterprise South Liverpool Academy, Broadgreen International School, University Academy Liverpool, Redbridge High School and Broad Square Primary School.
- Redbridge High School
- Broad Square Primary
- Broad Square Primary
- North Liverpool Academy
- Plenty of guests sat on ‘The Hill’ to watch
- North Liverpool Academy
- Tony Concepcion, Deputy Lord Mayor of Liverpool
- Deputy Chief Contabsle of Merseyside Police, Andy Cook
- Andy Cooke, Deputy Chief Constable of Merseyside Police, Ann O’Byrne, Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner, Councillor Emily Spurrell, Tony Concepcion, Deputy Lord Mayor of Liverpool, Anne Concepcion, Deputy Lady Mayoress and Jon Ward, Chief Superintendent of Merseyside Police
- St John Bosco
- Redbridge High School
- North Liverpool Academy
- Broad Square Primary School with ‘Robby the Bobby’