Soaring to the heights together
Alsop High School sent congratulations to the Alsop Year 11 class of 2021 as they soar to new heights together, following its students’ GCSE results.
Mr Paul Masher, headteacher said: “Alsop is immensely proud to celebrate the achievement of so many students and so many success stories which demonstrate elite levels of academic performance.
“So many students have achieved fantastic grades and it was lovely to see so many smiling faces as they collected their results; you could see that they were incredibly pleased and proud of themselves for overcoming all the challenges of the past two academic years, whilst, at the same time, confident that they will be able to face any challenge that might come their way in the future.
“Our priority, as in all years, has been to support the well-being of our students and to ensure that they are equipped to take their next step with confidence. I would like to thank and congratulate students, staff and parents for their commitment to improve our school and they should be rightly proud at this time.
“Our unwavering approach over the past two years to raise standards and improve teaching and learning has resulted in a fantastic set of results which are thoroughly deserved.”
Ms Philips, head of Year 11 said: “Alsop has had high hopes for this cohort since they joined in Year 7 and the way in which they responded and adapted to the challenges laid in their path with the COVID-19 pandemic over the past two academic years has been nothing short of inspiring; the results they have been awarded reflect their incredibly positive attitude and work ethic.
“Alsop is delighted that the majority of the cohort are staying in school to study in the Sixth Form, whilst others are continuing their education elsewhere or pursuing an apprenticeship. Whichever path students follow, Alsop is secure in the knowledge that they have the skills and attributes to make a positive contribution to their community.”
Mr Paul Masher, added: “Alsop would like to take the opportunity to congratulate every student on their fantastic achievements and thank them for their positive contributions as members of Team Alsop over the past five years. The school would also like to thank staff for their unwavering commitment and professionalism in such challenging circumstances and, also, parents and carers, whose support and constant encouragement has meant so much to these amazing young people.”