
Croxteth school leading from the front

Staff at Our Lady and St Swithin’s CP School, Croxteth have been busy supporting their pupils and community throughout the coronavirus.

The Croxteth school continues to operate as a hub with an average of 10 children attending each day; they even remained open Good Friday and Easter Monday. Staff have been very willing and eager to support the hub with staff from three schools incorporated into a week on – week off based rota, with a member of the school leadership team (SLT) as the centre manager each week.

Headteacher Emma Hartley, said: “Safeguarding and keeping in touch with vulnerable families is a daily task with Joanne Morgan and Sandra Hamilton keeping vulnerable children checks up to date as well as contacting social workers/ counsellors etc.

“All children have received a phone call from their teacher and children who are not active on our online virtual learning platform, seesaw, have weekly phone calls to support learning at home as well as wellbeing.

“The school also delivered Easter eggs and additional work resources to pupils.

“Parents are very complimentary about the workbooks we provided children with for home learning, as well as the virtual learning the children have access to each day set by their class teachers.

“Volunteers from our school used our minibus to deliver hampers to vulnerable families in our community via the L6 food bank services.”

Hand written letters have been sent to all children from Emma to reassure them that they are missed and that they are here if they need any support at all. Regular contact has been very beneficial via Facebook, the school app and Twitter. This has been greatly received by parents and the community with words of gratitude flooding in!

“We have even had some fun with videos being made by teachers, fun challenges set and books shared have been very popular at this time of uncertainty. We also attempted to entertain our community with a live bingo session! Prizes were won and delivered to families. 50 families joined in and we all had lots of fun. One family actually emailed us to say we had really lifted spirits in their house.

“I would like to offer a huge well done and thanks to our amazing teachers and staff who are making virtual learning enjoyable and rewarding for the children. Whilst also trying to home school their own children! A special thanks to voluntary teams that have come together to help deliver Easter eggs, work packs and food hampers to those in need. And finally, thanks to governors for your ongoing words of support during this time”.

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