
Designs are a winning idea

Last November, Calderstones Community Comprehensive School in South Liverpool sadly lost one of its most popular and revered teachers, Mr Phil Gibbons. This mobilised the whole school community to channel its efforts to support charity organisations which have a mental health focus.

Assistant headteacher and PE teacher, Allan Preston, decided to organise a Tower2Tower cycle challenge from Liverpool’s Radio City Tower to Paris’s Eiffel Tower, and challenged fellow members of staff, governors, ex-pupils and parents to join him. Sixteen drawn from the school’s community have accepted the challenge to undertake 500 gruelling miles in just five days in July 2014.

As the challenge has a community focus, local primary schools were invited to help design the team badge and logo. With the chance for the winning design to appear on the custom made cycling kit, T-Shirts, website, social media and any other promotional materials, the entries came flooding in.

The response to the competition was amazing! Along with those from Calderstones School itself, entries from Dovedale Juniors and Mosspits Primary were fantastic; over £40 was raised for Imagine Independence.

Following a very high quality field of close to 100 entries, the winning designs were chosen by the team:

The winning badge design was Vidal Jackson, a year 12 student at Calderstones School with the winning logo design by Marnie R Skellon from 5M at Dovedale Juniors.

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