School leads fight to improve results
A school in Knowsley is leading the fight to improve standards and results in the region.
Martin Campbell, principal at St Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic Centre for Learning, Whiston, said: “At a time when we see Knowsley taking a knocking for their exam results it is worth noting that once again our Year 11 students had achieved the highest ever recorded results for 5 A* to C GCSE’s including English and maths (58.1% 5 A* to C).
“Not only that, they broke the record for the number of A* and A grades gained 18 individual students achieved at least one A* grade whilst another 35 individual students achieved at least one grade A.
“This is further evidence that students can achieve the highest possible grades at this centre.
“We are committed to the pursuit of excellence in teaching and learning, to raising the standards of achievement, to effectiveness in management and administration and to those processes which will enable teachers to meet the changing needs of pupils and the high expectations of parents.
“The centre is one of the top 20% performing schools in the United Kingdom. Its insistence on high standards has resulted in GCSE results improving at four times the national average and KS3 results graded at A and A* levels when compared to other schools.
At the recent Ofsted inspection, St Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic CfL was judged to be ‘good with outstanding features’.
Martin continued: “We set high expectations for all our pupils but also provide a remarkably high level of supports to ensure that these expectations are met, we regard ourselves as a caring school.
“We pride ourselves on the way in which new pupils quickly become part of our community. We smooth the transition from primary to secondary school through a creative programme of teacher links, pupil visits, induction days and close liaisons with parents.
“Throughout a child’s time at the school we have an innovative pastoral programme to ensure the support, care and direction of each individual.
“We also have very strong links with the local community”.
The centre also enjoys a great variety of school clubs and after school clubs which range from a cinema, gardening, Duke of Edinburgh, debating and a host of sporting clubs.
The Liverpool Archdiocesan inspection team judged St Edmund Arrowsmith to be “outstanding” and said “St Edmund Arrowsmith is an outstanding centre for learning, committed to its mission to provide all members of the community with the opportunity to have ‘Life in all its fullness.’”